Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Clock 4 mounting and clicks

Unlike Clocks 1 and 3, but like Clock 2, I plan to make Clock 4 wall mounted.

My wall mounting plans are to use a French cleat, since this makes it easy to remove the clock, and it's sturdy.  I attached a cleat to the back of the clock...

... but it was unstable since the plate is wide and the pendulum is off center.  So to stabilize, I added a small dowel to the back of the plate that grips the bottom of the cleat on the wall.

This means that I'm confined to use a particular size cleat (on the wall), but other dowel locations can be added easily.

The other thing I wanted was for the clicks and click springs to be carved from a single piece of wood.  I tried this on Clock 3 with oak springs, but they were very stiff and eventually broke.  Now I'm trying a pair of walnut springs, each a little lighter than the single oak I used previously. 

They're glued to the drive wheel.  I thought about offsetting them, which would lead to smoother winding, but I had trouble keeping the mechanism stable while setting up the glue. Hopefully they'll stand up to use.

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